Monday, May 7, 2012

You Are Knowledgeable, But Not Very Helpful

This is what I am left thinking every time I go see the doctor.  He could offer me nothing more than a prescription painkiller.  I'll take it, but I hardly think it worth my $10 co-pay and 2 hours of sick leave. And I still can't run for who knows how much longer.

While waiting for my appointment I scanned the room and had the same question I always had in the Virginia DMV (it took me 4 tries to get both a new license and my car registered): have all the rich white people figured out how to avoid this process? Seriously, every person in the waiting room of both establishments was foreign.  Not that that's bad, I was just left wondering why I have yet figured out a way to skip depressing waiting rooms.

Essie ended my search for the perfect turquoise nail polish for spring. (Lest you think that photo had nothing to do with my blog post).