Friday, June 4, 2010

A Few More Checked Off The List

I wish I has an internship here this summer.
Perhaps someday I'll have business that brings me to this building...

If I worked on Capitol Hill I would be a frequent customer at Good Stuff Eatery.

I've been wanting to visit the Holocaust Museum for a long time now and I finally got the chance this trip. I like that the museum starts with a detailed history of the Nazi rise to power. This allows people to answer for themselves the question: "How could this atrocity happen?" With the many groups the Nazis targeted I doubt anyone couldn't think of a close friend or family member that would have been affected if living in Europe at that time. I left the museum with a reaffirmed commitment to be aware of what is going on in the world, especially what is being done by my own government. The majority of the population did not actively participate in the Holocaust, but allowed it to happen by standing idly by.

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