Friday, October 21, 2011

The Muffin Thief

I am now two weeks into the everyday-for-the-rest-of-my-life phase of life. It's not so bad. I like having my evenings free of homework, but I am always tired when I get home from work so it takes a lot of effort to actually do something worthwhile with that free time. I'm sure all of you already know this as most of you are already a few years into this phase of your life.

So far I like my job and I love the people I work with, but today I encountered the first person at my office that I do not like. The story starts yesterday at the end of the work day when my boss told me it was her turn to bring in something to share with our department for breakfast (someone different takes a turn each Friday) but she had to work late so she wasn't sure what she'd have time to do. I offered to take over her day: a way to help my boss and impress my coworkers with my baking skills--perfect. So I made some delicious muffins and brought in grapes that were cut into manageable clumps of 2-4 grapes. Everyone liked my offering, of course. Towards the end of the work day there were a few muffins left and a woman in the office wanders over to my desk bringing my bag and plastic containers and asking people along the way if they wanted another muffin. A coworker who is more vocal than I says, "I'm sure Kirstin will just take the leftover muffins home." I chime in, "Yeah, I'll eat them for breakfast if no one is going to eat them." By this point the woman has arrived at my desk and sets down the bag and containers but says, "I'll just take the muffins home. I didn't get any and there are only two left." Sorry, what?! I had no expectations of taking muffins home--I brought them in to share--but if there are leftovers then I should get them. And what bothered me the most was 1) the tone of her voice--she spoke as if she were doing me a favor by taking the muffins off my hands; and 2) the fact that she lied--I could clearly see that there were four muffins in that bag.

As she walked away the coworker who spoke up looked at me like did that really just happen? Then we spent the last 20 minutes of the work day retelling the story and hearing more anecdotes about that woman's bizarre behavior on other occasions. I'm happy it turned into an opportunity to bond with some coworkers, but tomorrow morning when I wake up and have no muffins to eat I'm going to be sad. 


Megan said...

Just be grateful there was someone there to validate you in thinking that lady was crazy. How bizarre! (I'm looking forward to more stories about her, because you KNOW there will be more.)

Courtney Kay said...

Welcome to the office world. There are some weird people out there. How sad you didn't get any more muffins. But seriously, why on earth did that woman think she got to have the rest of your muffins?? Like, if she didn't get any, take one now and be done with it.