Monday, May 23, 2011

And I Thought This Would Be Just Another Boring Monday

I was reading at home when my brother came in and told me he had just driven past a house where they were training a baby zebra in their front yard. I made him drive me back to the house so I could see it. Then I made him swing back by so I could snap a picture. Is it just that studying for the bar is super boring and has lowered my daily expectations, or would anyone have found this as exciting as I did?


Nathan and Whitney Tanner said...

I can't believe that you could keep yourself in the car! I say you go back and ask to pet the zebra, and watch a training session. I would have found it super exciting. We know the llamas in Utah are awesome, who knew about zebras!?

Megan said...

I agree with Whit-- I would have been out of the car in a MILLISECOND.

First question: "When can I ride him?"

Second: "How much will it cost to take a themed photograph with my friends?"

emilymakin said...

This is awesome. Seriously a zebra in someone's front yard, amazing. Also this increases my hope a little for the seal dream.