Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cousin Dinner

Some of my cousins came over for Sunday dinner--we did not eat my cousins for dinner. Lest you think we were being negligent children, none of our fathers

live in state, so we were not skipping out on any Fathers' Day celebrations.
It has taken me some years to recognize just how lucky I am to have

so many fun cousins close to my age, but I really am incredibly fortunate.

Because honestly, no one else appreciates Grandpa Dick stories like this group.


Megan said...

I enjoy Grandpa Dick stories, too!

Merrill said...

Always good for entertainment to tell stories about G-Pa....

Kristine said...

So I'm just catching up on blog-stalking that I haven't done in ages. And I have to say, I enjoyed Grandpa Dick stories! And I directly steal from you guys when we're sitting around and criticizing a not-so-popular Dick that works at our school, and I say, "It's just fortunate that he has a name you can say with such spite..." I send a mental shout-out to the Hansens each time. :)